Tuesday 16 March 2021

1920s cinema

[2:02 PM] hellraiser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DpF4MoeeBVI
[2:02 PM] hellraiser: this style is really cool
[2:03 PM] erejnion: dekorite sa srsbsns
[2:04 PM] hellraiser: ideq si nqmam kak se e rodil toq stil
[2:04 PM] hellraiser: i to to4no v na4aloto na kinoto
[2:04 PM] hellraiser: desetina godini pone sa go polzvali
[2:04 PM] erejnion: predpolagam kopirat pone neshto ot teatura
[2:04 PM] hellraiser: sigurno
[2:04 PM] erejnion: ama ne e kato da znam osobeno za teatura back then
[2:06 PM] hellraiser: The German Expressionist movement was initially confined to Germany due to the isolation the country experienced during World War I. In 1916, the government had banned foreign films. The demand from theaters to generate films led to an increase in domestic film production from 24 films in 1914 to 130 films in 1918. With inflation also on the rise, Germans were attending films more freely because they knew that their money's value was constantly diminishing.
[2:06 PM] erejnion: that's a weird consequence
[2:06 PM] hellraiser: i ne pishe nishto za samiq stil
[2:07 PM] hellraiser: ok, pishe
[2:07 PM] hellraiser: 4e poneje ne sa imali pari
[2:07 PM] hellraiser: sa kompensirali kato sa pravili vsi4ko da izglejda nerealisti4no
[2:08 PM] hellraiser: i sa si risuvali daje senkite po poda i stenite
[2:08 PM] erejnion: damn
[2:08 PM] hellraiser: eto, pesteneto ot projektori vodi do ART
[2:08 PM] erejnion: this is the Shaft thing
[2:08 PM] erejnion: pestish ot pari, investirash v narkotici
[2:08 PM] hellraiser: Japan expressionist anime
[2:09 PM] hellraiser: that also explains 90s Shinbo doing Obari levels of shadows everywhere
[2:09 PM] erejnion: PPD pone ne pesteshe ot prozhektori
[2:09 PM] hellraiser: in my mind it's the most animated Shaft show
[2:09 PM] erejnion: yeah
[2:09 PM] erejnion: it is

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